The Drama Of Dwight Is Mercifully Over & Other NBA Trade Deadline Thoughts

The saga of Orlando center Dwight Howard is over, at least for the rest of the season. The league’s best rebounder, who’s been the subject of trade rumors all year long, agreed to waive his opt-out rights just before the trade deadline on Thursday afternoon. Howard will still be eligible for free agency after the 2013 season and we can undoubtedly do this all over again, but for now it’s about basketball in Orlando. It’s a great thing for the Magic, who have solidified the #3 spot in the East since the All-Star break and has to be given at least a puncher’s chance of upending Chicago or Miami in the playoffs (though beating both, as it would take to get to the Finals, is a huge longshot). But it’s an even better thing for basketball fans. This has been the most tiring drama display I can recall seeing in sports.