If I Had A Dime In Vegas…

Time for another round of figuratively stepping up to the window if I were in Las Vegas. My hypothetical bankroll, which started the season at $1,000 is sitting on a $751.60 right now. Last week illustrated the big reason why you can never make money doing this for real–I picked 25 games at $4 apiece, scraped out a winning record at 13-12 and still lost eighty cents because of the 10 percent vigorish paid on losing bets. You have to hit 52.4% to win at this racket, presuming all games are bet the same. I've got 18 games this week, going at five bucks a pop…

Ball State (+2.5) Eastern Michigan
Arizona State (-8.5) UCLA|
Maryland (+3) Virginia
Miami (-15.5) Duke
Vanderbilt (+13) Florida
Air Force (-16.5) Army
Iowa (+4) Michigan
Texas A&M (+14) Oklahoma
Kansas State (+21) Oklahoma State
Cincinnati (-3) Pittsburgh
LSU/Alabama (Under 41.5)
Maryland/Virgnia (Over 53)
Vanderbilt/Florida (Under 44.5)
Notre Dame/Wake Forest(Over 55.5)

Atlanta (-7) Indianapolis
NY Jets (+2.5) Buffalo
Kansas City (-4) Miami
Baltimore/Pittsburgh (Under 42.5)